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  • ˙副教授       國立暨南國暨大學應用化學系生物醫學碩士班 2015-迄今
    ˙助理教授    國立暨南大學應用化學系生物醫學碩士班 2011- 2015
    ˙助理教授    國立暨南國暨大學生物醫學科技研究所 2006-2011
    ˙博士後研究員    台中榮民總醫院  2004-2006
    ˙博士後研究員 (國防役)    國家衛生研究院分子基因組 1999-2004
    ˙博士班   陽明大學遺傳學研究所 1992-1999
    ˙碩士班   陽明醫學院遺傳學研究所1991-1992
    ˙大學       東海大學生物系 1987-1991
  • 28. 解析JMJD6-HURP-NF-кB透過組建新月型Golgi ribbon來刺激細胞移行的機制(續提計畫)(Exploring the mechanisms by which the JMJD6-HURP-NF-B axispromotes cell migration via assembling crescent-like Golgi ribbon (continued)),112-2320-B-260-001-,2023/8/1~2024/7/30 (國科會計畫)(主持人)。
    27. 共處理Regorafenib與蛋白酶體抑制劑引發細胞死亡的機制與應用(The underlined mechanisms and application for Regorafenib/proteasome inhibitor-induced cytotoxicity in the lung cancer A549 cells),TCVGH-NCNU1127903,2022/01/01~2022/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    26. 解析JMJD6-HURP-NF-B透過組建Golgi ribbon來刺激細胞移行的機制 (Exploring the mechanisms by which The JMJD6-HURP-NF-kB axis promotes cell mihration via assembling Golgi ribbon), MOST 111-2320-B-260-001-,2022/8/1~2023/7/30 (國科會計畫)(主持人)。
    25. 高基氏體與修飾微管在aggresome形成時的角色分析(The role of Golgi complex and modified tubulins in the formation of aggresome), TCVGH-NCNU1107903,2021/01/01~2021/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    24. 尋找抑制aggresome形成與加強MG132細胞毒性的抗癌藥物 (Screen for the conventional anticancer drugs able to block aggresome formation and enhance MG132-induced cell toxicity),TCVGH-NCNU1097903,2020/01/01~2020/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    23. 探討Ajuba/PRMT5/Aurora-A複合體透過修飾HURP與HDAC6調節aggresome結構功能的機制與其毒殺癌細胞的應用潛力(The effects of Ajuba-PRMT5-Aurora-A complex mediated modification of HURP and HDAC6 on the regulation of aggresome formation and its potential application on cancer cell killing),MOST 108-2320-B-260-001,2019/8/1~2020/7/31 (科技部計畫)(主持人)。
    22. 分析HURP刺激細胞移行的機制 (Exploring the mechanisms by which HURP stimulates cell migration) ,TCVGH-NCNU1087901,2019/01/01~2019/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    21. 分析具致癌潛力的PRMT5與Aurora-A共同修飾產生Golgi調控因子HURP p725的機制 (Exploring the mechanisms by which the oncogenic PRMT5 and Aurora-A work together to produce the Golgi assembly factor HURP p725),TCVGH-NCNU1077902,2018/01/01~2018/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    20. 分析HURP p725與vimentin intermediate filament的相互調控 (The analysis for the interplay of HURP p725 and vimentin intermediate filament),TCVGH-NCNU1067902,執行期限:2017/01/01~2017/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    19. 探討細胞如何調和兩種不同複雜的生理網絡: 分析Golgi complex在細胞週期S期細胞快速行進時所扮演的角色 (Exploring how cells harmonize two different complicated biochemical networks: the role of Golgi complex in S phase dependent cell migration),MOST 105-2320-B-260-001-MY3,執行期限:2016/08/01~2019/07/31 (科技部計畫)(主持人)。
    18. 分析p38/NF-kB和JNK1/2在HURP調節Golgi complex生成中的角色 (Exploring the role p38-NF-kB and JNK1-2 in the HURP-regulated Golgi formation),TCVGH-NCNU1057905,執行期限:2016/01/01~2016/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    17. 透過分析HURP p725調控Golgi complex結構之重要性與機制,了解Golgi complex形成新月形的原因 (Dissection of the role of HURP p725 in the assembly of Golgi ribbon),104-2311-B-260 -001 -,執行期限:2015/08/01~2016/07/31 (科技部計畫)(主持人)。
    16. NF-кB在HURP所調控穩定性微管與高基氏體組裝中的角色 (The role of NF-kB in HURP-regulated formation of stable microtubule and Golgi ribbon), TCVGH-NCNU1047906,執行期限:2015/01/01~2015/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    15. 穩定性微管在HURP調控高基氏體結構之角色 (The role of stable microtubule in HURP-regulated Golgi assembly),計畫編號:MOST 103-2311-B-260 -001,執行期限:2014/08/01~2015/07/31(科技部計畫)(主持人)。
    14. NF-κB於Aurora-A/HURP所引發細胞轉型中的角色 (The role of NF-Kb B in Aurora-AHURP cascade-induced cell transformation),計畫編號: TCVGH-NCNU1037902,執行期限:2014/01/01~2014/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    13. Aurora-A透過磷酸化Astrin調節細胞分裂期之研究 (Regulation of mitosis progression by Aurora-A-dependent Astrin phosphorylation),計畫編號:TCVGH-NCNU1027903,執行期限:2013/01/01~2013/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    12. HURP調控Golgi結構與cyclin E1基因表達之機制 (Exploration of the underlined mechanisms by which HURP regulates Golgi formation and cyclin E1 expression),計畫編號:101-2311-B-260-001,執行期限:2012/08/01~2013/07/31 (國科會計畫)(主持人)。
    11. PRMT5/HURP促進細胞轉型之研究 (The contribution of PRMT5/HURP cascade to cell transformation),計畫編號:101DCC0100002,執行期限:2012/01/01~2012/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    10. Aurora-A/HURP 致細胞轉形機轉之研究 (Exploration of the Aurora-A/HURP- dependent oncogenic pathway),計畫編號:NSC 98-2320-B-260-001-MY3,執行期限:2009/08/01~2012/07/31(國科會計畫)(主持人)。
    9. 去磷酸化對HURP的調控:PP1α、PP1β、PP1γ以及PP2Cβ對於HURP蛋白質行為功能上的調控 (Regulation of HURP by dephosphorylation: the role of PP1α, PP1β, PP1γ and PP2Cβ in the control of protein behavior and function of HURP),計畫編號:TCVGH-NCNU 1007902,執行期限:2011/01/01~2011/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    8. 以修飾聚精胺酸固相萃取技術及質譜技術分析HURP磷酸化位置,計畫編號:99B4,執行期限:2009/01/01 ~ 2011/12/31(大學跨學門科學人才培育銜接計畫)(主持人)。
    7. 發展觀測活體組織及單一細胞基因活性之顯微螢光技術,計畫編號:99-2627-M-260-001,執行期限:2010/08/01~2013/10/31 (跨領域研究計畫)(共同主持人)。
    6. 分析HURP與MEP50交互作用之細胞功能 (The cellular function of the interaction of HURP and MEP50),計畫編號:TCVGH-NCNU987905,執行期限:2009/01/01~2009/12/31(榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    5. 透過分析SLAN與Aurora-A的交互調控了解SLAN的分子活性 (Exploring the cellular function of SLAN by studying the interplay of SLAN and Aurora-A),計畫編號:TCVGH-987324D,執行期限:2009/01/01~2009/12/31 (台中榮民總醫院)(主持人)。
    4. Aurora-A調控HURP控制紡槌絲之研究 (The role of Aurora-A-catalyzed HURP phosphorylation in spindle formation),計畫編號:TCVGH-NCNU 977901,執行期限:2008/01/01~2008/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    3. HURP細胞功能之分子機制探討 (The systematic exploration of the molecular activities of HURP),計畫編號:NSC 96-2320-B-260-001,執行期限:2007/08/01~2008/07/31(國科會計畫)(主持人)。
    2. Aurora-A調控HURP進出細胞核及其對於細胞轉型之研究 (The regulation of HURP nuclear targeting and cell transformation by Aurora-A),計畫編號:TCVGH-NCNU967906,執行期限:2007/01/01~2007/12/31 (榮暨計畫)(主持人)。
    1. Aurora-A 磷酸化與調節Astrin之研究(Phosphorylation and regulation of Astrin by Aurora-A),計畫編號: NSC 95-2314-B-260-001,執行期限:2006/10/01~2007/07/31(國科會計畫)(主持人)。
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    Selected Publications :
    期刊論文(Journal papers)
    42. Chiu SC, Yang XT, Wei TW, Liao YA, Chen JM, Kuo YC, Liu CJ, Cheng CY, Huang YJ, Huang YJ, Wu HJ, Wan CX, Tsai JR, Yu CR*. The crescent-like Golgi ribbon is shaped by the Ajuba/PRMT5/Aurora-A complex-modified HURP. Cell Commun Signal. 2023 Jun 27;21(1):156. doi: 10.1186/s12964-023-01167-4. PMID: 37370099; PMCID: PMC10294536.
    41. Huang YJ, Chiu SC, Tseng JS, Chen JM, Wei TW, Chu CY, Kao HE, Yang CO, Shih YE, Yang TY, Chiu KY, Teng CJ, Yu CR*. The JMJD6/HURP axis promotes cell migration via NF-κB-dependent centrosome repositioning and Cdc42-mediated Golgi repositioning. J Cell Physiol. 2022 Dec;237(12):4517-4530. doi: 10.1002/jcp.30900. Epub 2022 Oct 17. PMID: 36250981.
    40. Chiu SC, Huang YJ, Wei TW, Chen JM, Kuo YC, Huang YJ, Liao YA, Yu CR*. The PRMT5/HURP axis retards Golgi repositioning by stabilizing acetyl-tubulin and Golgi apparatus during cell migration. J Cell Physiol. 2022 Jan;237(1):1033-1043. doi: 10.1002/jcp.30589. Epub 2021 Sep 19. PMID: 34541678.
    39. Yang LY, Tsai MY, Juan SH, Chang SF, Yu CR, Lin JC, Johnson KR, Lim HG, Fann YC, Lee YG. Exerting the Appropriate Application of Methylprednisolone in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Based on Time Course Transcriptomics Analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 1;22(23):13024. doi: 10.3390/ijms222313024. PMID: 34884829; PMCID: PMC8657964.
    38. Lu WL, Yu CR, Lien HM, Sheu GT, Cherng SH. Cytotoxicity of naringenin induces Bax-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. Environ Toxicol. 2020 Dec;35(12):1386-1394. doi: 10.1002/tox.23003. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32667124; PMCID: PMC7689782.
    37. Chen JM, Chiu SC, Chen KC, Huang YJ, Liao YA, Yu CR*. Enolase 1 differentially contributes to cell transformation in lung cancer but not in esophageal cancer. Oncol Lett. 2020 Apr;19(4):3189-3196. doi: 10.3892/ol.2020.11427. Epub 2020 Mar 3. PMID: 32256815; PMCID: PMC7074250.
    36. Chen JM, Chen KC, Chiu SC, Chen RY, Hsia JY, Huang YJ, Yu CR*. Differential contribution of protein phosphatase 1α to cell transformation of different cell types. Oncol Rep. 2019 Oct;42(4):1598-1608. doi: 10.3892/or.2019.7272. Epub 2019 Aug 8. PMID: 31524273.
    35. Chiu SC, Chen KC, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Wan CX, Wei TW, Huang YJ, Chen JM, Liao YA, Yu CR*. Overexpression of Aurora-A bypasses cytokinesis through phosphorylation of suppressed in lung cancer. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2019 Sep 1;317(3):C600-C612. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00032.2019. Epub 2019 Jul 17. PMID: 31314582.
    34. Chang CH, Chen MC, Chiu TH, Li YH, Yu WC, Liao WL, Oner M, Yu CR, Wu CC, Yang TY, Teng CJ, Chiu KY, Chen KC, Wang HY, Yue CH, Lai CH, Hsieh JT, Lin H. Arecoline Promotes Migration of A549 Lung Cancer Cells through Activating the EGFR/Src/FAK Pathway. Toxins (Basel). 2019 Mar 28;11(4):185. doi: 10.3390/toxins11040185. PMID: 30925742; PMCID: PMC6521018.
    33. Yu‑Sheng Tsai, Yan Yu Chen, Chun Yu Xu, Yu Cheng Chang, Yang Yang Tsai, Lin Sin Lu, Yueh Chi Lee, Chia Feng Lin, YewChung Sermon Wu. Yung‑Sen Lin, Hsiang Chen, Chang Tze Ricky Yu. Influence of reduced graphene oxide on material, antibacterial, and piezoelectric behaviors of ZnO nanorods on foldable indium tin oxide substrates. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 13 June 2019.
    32. H. CHEN*, W. C. WENG, Y. C. CHANG, J. L. CHIU, C. Y. LI, W. M. SU, Y. T. CHEN, C. C. LU, Y. T. A. LIAO, C. T. R. YU, Y. S. LIN. TUNING ZINC OXIDE NANORODS ON SiO2SUBSTRATES BY INCORPORATING GRAPHENE. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 2018 Apr-June. 13(2): p375-380.
    31. Fu-Jye Sheu , Chun-Pei Cho * , Yu-Ting Liao and Chang-Tze Yu. Ag3PO4-TiO2-Graphene Oxide Ternary Composites with Efficient Photodegradation, Hydrogen Evolution, and Antibacterial Properties. Catalysts 2018, 8(2), 57; doi:10.3390/catal8020057 (registering DOI).
    30. Wei TW, Wu PY, Wu TJ, Hou HA, Chou WC, Teng CJ, Lin CR, Chen JM, Lin TY, Su HC, Huang CF, Yu CR, Hsu SL, Tien HF, Tsai MD. Aurora A and NF-κB Survival Pathway Drive Chemoresistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia via the TRAF-Interacting Protein TIFA. Cancer Res. 2017 Jan 15;77(2):494-508. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1004. Epub 2016 Nov 10. PMID: 28069801.
    29. Wei TW, Wu PY, Wu TJ, Hou HA, Chou WC, Teng CJ, Lin CR, Chen JM, Lin TY, Su HC, Huang CF, Yu CR, Hsu SL, Tien HF, Tsai MD. Aurora A and NF-κB Survival Pathway Drive Chemoresistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia via the TRAF-Interacting Protein TIFA. Cancer Res. 2017 Jan 15;77(2):494-508. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1004. Epub 2016 Nov 10. PMID: 28069801.
    28. Chia-Yun Chen*, Li-Jen Hsu, Po-Hsuan Hsiao, Chang-Tze Ricky Yu. SERS detection and antibacterial activity from uniform incorporation of Ag nanoparticles with aligned Si nanowires. Applied Surface Science (2015), Volume 355, 15 November 2015, Pages 197–202
    27. Chen JM, Chiu SC, Wei TY, Lin SY, Chong CM, Wu CC, Huang JY, Yang ST, Ku CF, Hsia JY, Yu CT*. The involvement of nuclear factor-κappaB in the nuclear targeting and cyclin E1 upregulating activities of hepatoma upregulated protein. Cell Signal. 2015 Jan;27(1):26-36. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.09.020. Epub 2014 Oct 5. PMID: 25289861.
    26. Wei TY, Hsia JY, Chiu SC, Su LJ, Juan CC, Lee YC, Chen JM, Chou HY, Huang JY, Huang HM, Yu CT*. Methylosome protein 50 promotes androgen- and estrogen-independent tumorigenesis. Cell Signal. 2014 Dec;26(12):2940-50. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.09.014. Epub 2014 Sep 30. PMID: 25277535.
    25. Chiu SC, Chen JM, Wei TY, Cheng TS, Wang YH, Ku CF, Lian CH, Liu CC, Kuo YC, Yu CT*. The mitosis-regulating and protein-protein interaction activities of astrin are controlled by aurora-A-induced phosphorylation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2014 Sep 1;307(5):C466-78. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00164.2014. Epub 2014 Jul 9. PMID: 25009111.
    24. Hsiang Chen, Chin-Pang Chen, Chang-Tze Ricky Yu, Yun Ti Chen, Chin-Chou Teng, Kuang-Yu Lo, Chun Han Lin, Bo-Yun Huanga. Distinct  spatial  profiles  and  antibacterial  effects  of  20-nm  Ag nanoparticles  dripped  on  ZnO  nanorods  grown  on  a polished  Ti  substrate. Applied Surface Science 2014 311:422–425.
    23. Teng CL, Yu CT, Hwang WL, Tsai JR, Liu HC, Hwang GY, Hsu SL. Effector mechanisms of sunitinib-induced G1 cell cycle arrest, differentiation, and apoptosis in human acute myeloid leukaemia HL60 and KG-1 cells. Ann Hematol. 2013 Mar;92(3):301-13. doi: 10.1007/s00277-012-1627-7. Epub 2012 Nov 20. PMID: 23180436.
    22. Wu CC, Yang TY, Yu CT, Phan L, Ivan C, Sood AK, Hsu SL, Lee MH. p53 negatively regulates Aurora A via both transcriptional and posttranslational regulation. Cell Cycle. 2012 Sep 15;11(18):3433-42. doi: 10.4161/cc.21732. Epub 2012 Aug 16. PMID: 22894933; PMCID: PMC3466554.
    21. Wei TY, Juan CC, Hisa JY, Su LJ, Lee YC, Chou HY, Chen JM, Wu YC, Chiu SC, Hsu CP, Liu KL, Yu CT*. Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 is a potential oncoprotein that upregulates G1 cyclins/cyclin-dependent kinases and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT signaling cascade. Cancer Sci. 2012 Sep;103(9):1640-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2012.02367.x. Epub 2012 Aug 8. PMID: 22726390; PMCID: PMC7659304.
    20. Yu CT, Hsia JY, Hseih YC, Su LJ, Lee TC, Ku CF, Chen KS, Chen JM, Wei TY, Lee YC, Huang CY, Wu YC, Yang CY, Hsu SL. The novel protein suppressed in lung cancer down-regulated in lung cancer tissues retards cell proliferation and inhibits the oncokinase Aurora-A. J Thorac Oncol. 2011 Jun;6(6):988-97. doi: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e318212692e. PMID: 21566536.
    19. Wu CC, Yu CT, Chang GC, Lai JM, Hsu SL. Aurora-A promotes gefitinib resistance via a NF-κB signaling pathway in p53 knockdown lung cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Feb 11;405(2):168-72. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.01.001. Epub 2011 Jan 7. PMID: 21216229.
    18. Chia-Man Chou, Tong-You Wade Wei, Jou-May Maureen Chen, Wei-Ting Chang, Chang-Tze Ricky Yu, and Vincent K. S. Hsiao. Preparation of Nanoporous Polymer Films for Real-Time Viability Monitoring of Cells. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2011; Article ID 436528, 6 pages.
    17. Chang GC, Yu CT, Tsai CH, Tsai JR, Chen JC, Wu CC, Wu WJ, Hsu SL. An epidermal growth factor inhibitor, Gefitinib, induces apoptosis through a p53-dependent upregulation of pro-apoptotic molecules and downregulation of anti-apoptotic molecules in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 Dec 14;600(1-3):37-44. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2008.10.024. Epub 2008 Oct 21. PMID: 18973751.
    16. Lee YC, Yu CT, Lin KP, Chang MH, Hsu SL, Liu YF, Lu YC, Soong BW. MPZ mutation G123S characterization: evidence for a complex pathogenesis in CMT disease. Neurology. 2008 Jan 22;70(4):273-7. doi: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000296828.66915.bf. PMID: 18209201.
    15. Yu CT, Li JH, Lee TC, Lin LF. Characterization of cocaine-elicited cell vacuolation: the involvement of calcium/calmodulin in organelle deregulation. J Biomed Sci. 2008 Mar;15(2):215-26. doi: 10.1007/s11373-007-9213-z. Epub 2007 Oct 7. PMID: 17922255.
    14. Cheng TS, Hsiao YL, Lin CC, Yu CT, Hsu CM, Chang MS, Lee CI, Huang CY, Howng SL, Hong YR. Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta interacts with and phosphorylates the spindle-associated protein astrin. J Biol Chem. 2008 Jan 25;283(4):2454-64. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M706794200. Epub 2007 Nov 30. PMID: 18055457.
    13. Yu CT, Wu JC, Liao MC, Hsu SL, Huang CY. Identification of c-Fos as a mitotic phosphoprotein: regulation of c-Fos by Aurora-A. J Biomed Sci. 2008 Jan;15(1):79-87. doi: 10.1007/s11373-007-9209-8. Epub 2007 Oct 10. PMID: 17926144.
    12. Cheng TS, Hsiao YL, Lin CC, Hsu CM, Chang MS, Lee CI, Yu RC, Huang CY, Howng SL, Hong YR. hNinein is required for targeting spindle-associated protein Astrin to the centrosome during the S and G2 phases. Exp Cell Res. 2007 May 1;313(8):1710-21. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2007.02.023. Epub 2007 Mar 7. PMID: 17383637.
    11. Cherng SH, Hsu SL, Yang JL, Yu CT, Lee H. Suppressive effect of 1-nitropyrene on benzo[a]pyrene-induced CYP1A1 protein expression in HepG2 cells. Toxicol Lett. 2006 Mar 1;161(3):236-43. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2005.10.002. Epub 2005 Nov 8. PMID: 16280210.
    10. Lin YS, Su LJ, Yu CT, Wong FH, Yeh HH, Chen SL, Wu JC, Lin WJ, Shiue YL, Liu HS, Hsu SL, Lai JM, Huang CY. Gene expression profiles of the aurora family kinases. Gene Expr. 2006;13(1):15-26. doi: 10.3727/000000006783991962. PMID: 16572587; PMCID: PMC6032448.
    9. Hsu SL, Yu CT, Yin SC, Tang MJ, Tien AC, Wu YM, Huang CY. Caspase 3, periodically expressed and activated at G2/M transition, is required for nocodazole-induced mitotic checkpoint. Apoptosis. 2006 May;11(5):765-71. doi: 10.1007/s10495-006-5880-x. PMID: 16532268.
    8. Yu CT, Hsu JM, Lee YC, Tsou AP, Chou CK, Huang CY. Phosphorylation and stabilization of HURP by Aurora-A: implication of HURP as a transforming target of Aurora-A. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Jul;25(14):5789-800. doi: 10.1128/MCB.25.14.5789-5800.2005. PMID: 15987997; PMCID: PMC1168800.
    7. Wu JC, Chen TY, Yu CT, Tsai SJ, Hsu JM, Tang MJ, Chou CK, Lin WJ, Yuan CJ, Huang CY. Identification of V23RalA-Ser194 as a critical mediator for Aurora-A-induced cellular motility and transformation by small pool expression screening. J Biol Chem. 2005 Mar 11;280(10):9013-22. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M411068200. Epub 2005 Jan 5. PMID: 15637052.
    6. Yan-Nian Chen, Chi-Chih Cheng, Chang-Tze R. Yu, Su-Jen Chou, Hong-Chen Chen, and Shih-Lan Hsu*. Involvement of intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways in Baicalein-induced apoptosis in human hepatoma Hep3B cells. Journal of Cancer Molecules. 2005; 1: 37-45.
    5. Hsu JM, Lee YC, Yu CT, Huang CY. Fbx7 functions in the SCF complex regulating Cdk1-cyclin B-phosphorylated hepatoma up-regulated protein (HURP) proteolysis by a proline-rich region. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 30;279(31):32592-602. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M404950200. Epub 2004 May 15. PMID: 15145941.
    4. Tsou AP, Yang CW, Huang CY, Yu RC, Lee YC, Chang CW, Chen BR, Chung YF, Fann MJ, Chi CW, Chiu JH, Chou CK. Identification of a novel cell cycle regulated gene, HURP, overexpressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncogene. 2003 Jan 16;22(2):298-307. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1206129. PMID: 12527899.
    3. Yu RC, Lee TC, Wang TC, Li JH. Genetic toxicity of cocaine. Carcinogenesis. 1999 Jul;20(7):1193-9. doi: 10.1093/carcin/20.7.1193. PMID: 10383889.
    2. Sun YH, Tsai CJ, Green MM, Chao JL, Yu CT, Jaw TJ, Yeh JY, Bolshakov VN. White as a reporter gene to detect transcriptional silencers specifying position-specific gene expression during Drosophila melanogaster eye development. Genetics. 1995 Nov;141(3):1075-86. doi: 10.1093/genetics/141.3.1075. PMID: 8582614; PMCID: PMC1206831.
    1. You CT, Sun YH. Tilted agarose gel electrophoresis improves resolution. Biotechniques. 1995 Oct;19(4):574-5. PMID: 8777047.

    20. 朱晨語 2023 Aggresome與Golgi在介導抗癌藥物耐藥性和副作用中的角色(The role of aggresome and Golgi apparatus in the induction of anticancer drugs’ resistance and side effects)
    19. 吳禾廉 2022 PP2Ac與PP1α在細胞移行以及MG132誘導的毒性中所扮演的角色(The Roles of PP2Ac and PP1α in The Regulation of Cell Migration and MG132-Induced Cell Toxicity)
    18. 鄭巧筠 2021 Poh1、Vimentin p72和HURP p725形成蛋白質複合體,並且調控MG132所誘導的aggresome形成(Poh1, Vimentin p72, and HURP p725 form a protein complex and are essential for MG132-induced aggresome formation)
    17. 黃鈺庭 2021 Poh1、Vimentin p72和HURP p725蛋白質複合體透過調節中心體與吸引HDAC6來促進aggresome產生 (The protein complex containing Poh1, Vimentin p72 and HURP p725 controls aggresome formation via regulating centrosome and attracting HDAC6)
    16. 廖奕豪 2018 aggresome形成時NF-кB的調控與其對aggresome形成的影響 (NF-кB is regulated to control aggresome formation and subsequent autophagosome recruitment)
    15. 萬長鑫 2018 Aurora-A磷酸化SLAN之分子機制與細胞功能分析 (Molecular mechanisms and cellular functions for the Aurora-A-induced SLAN phosphorylation )
    14. 陳若梅 2017 探討致癌蛋白Aurora-A以及其下游受質HURP對於細胞增生以及高基氏體組成之探討 (The mechanisms by which Aurora-A and its downstream substrate HURP regulate cell proliferation and Golgi complex assembly)(博士論文)
    13. 廖昱婷 2017 分析HURP p725/Vimentin複合體如何調控Golgi complex的形狀與定位 (Unraveling how the HURP p725 /Vimentin complex regulates the shape and positioning of Golgi complex)
    12. 楊淑婷 2016  新月形的HURP p725藉著吸引與穩定Golgi組裝蛋白將Golgi形塑成新月狀 (The Ribbon-Like Fiber of HURP p725 Shapes Golgi as a Ribbon Form Via Attracting and Stabilizing Golgi Assembly Factors)
    11. 黃韻如 PRMT5與JMJD6所催化之HURP甲基化與去甲基化調控Golgi complex的可塑性與定向細胞移行 (The PRMT5-catalyzed methylation and JMJD6-indcued demethylation of HURP regulate Golgi flexibility and directional cell migration)
    10. 王怡文 2015 CLNS1A在肺癌細胞株H1299中引發細胞轉型的分子機制探討 (The molecular mechanisms of CLNS1A-induced cell transformation in lung cancer cell line H1299)
    9. 郭奕群 2015 探討PRMT5甲基化HURP的機轉及其在細胞中的生理意義 (The mechanisms and cellular significances of PRMT5-induced HURP methylation)
    8. 劉俊志 2014 HURP透過提高穩定性微管穩定度促進高基氏體之組成 (HURP regulates Golgi structure via stabiliznig stable microtubules)
    7. 陳可心 2010 探討SLAN在肺癌細胞株中扮演的角色 (The role of SLAN in lung cancer cell lines)
    6. 顧家鳳 2010 由決定SLAN功能性區段和研究SLAN與Aurora-A之相互調控分析SLAN之分子活性 (Exploration of SLAN molecular activities: determination of SLAN funtional domains and analysis of the mutual regulation of SLAN and Aurora-A)
    5. 魏同佑 2010 甲基轉移酶複合體於細胞轉型的角色 (The role of methylosome in cell transformation)
    4. 陳若梅 2009 ENO-1對於細胞轉型之角色探討 (The role of ENO1in cell transformation)
    3. 林欣怡 2009 HURP的進出核調控及其在有絲分裂期的角色 (The regulation of HURP nuclear targeting and its role in mitosis progression)
    2. 鍾昌明 2008 Aurora-A調控HURP進出細胞核及其對於細胞轉型之研究(The regulation of HURP nuclear targeting and cell transformation by Aurora-A)
    李殿強 2008 可能抑癌蛋白SLAN對於細胞週期調控之研究 (The role of a potential tumor suppressor protein SLAN in the regulation of cell cycle progression)